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Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta

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Marković Damir
(BGD/SD Karaburma)/Pirot

Član broj: 1510
Poruke: 4132

Jabber: damirm | gmail | com
ICQ: 134002435

+13 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta07.01.2008. u 14:29 - pre 199 meseci
Intel je dosao naknadno, uz obecanje da razviti Intel based XO, za razliku od AMDa koji je od pocetka u celoj toj prici. Na kraju su se i povukli, a da laptop nikada i nije prikazan. Tako da bas i nisu iskreno bili u celom projektu.

Intelu nisu ogranicavali prava na druge projekte, vec im se nije svidjalo sto Intel sedi na dve stolice, i sa jedne strane glumi partnera, a sa druge nudi konkurenciju. Zasto AMD nije ponudio konkuretski proizvod? I oni su firma. Ocigledno da je moguce naci interes i bez potkopavanja projekta OLPC.

Za troskove su mi drugi odgovorili, kao sto sam i ja odgovorio njima. Niko i dalje nije opovrgao ono sto sam napisao.

Ako si iz nekog mog posta zakljucio da ja i dalje verujem u Deda Mraza, ok, ja cu priznati, i smatracemo to tvojim najjacim argumentom u dosadasnjoj diskusiji. Srecan?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta07.01.2008. u 14:45 - pre 199 meseci
Za troskove su mi drugi odgovorili, kao sto sam i ja odgovorio njima. Niko i dalje nije opovrgao ono sto sam napisao.

Šta si odgovorio? Pa ono što si napisao na početku, da će cena laptopa da padne sa $185 na $100 samo zbog smanjenja početnih (fiksnih) troškova po jednom proizvodu je jednostavno netačno.
Commercial-Free !!!
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Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta07.01.2008. u 17:02 - pre 199 meseci
Ivane, jesi li procitao ovo sto je covek naveo:
? Tu se navode konkretni slucajevi, konkretne osobe, gde je Intelov prodavac isao skoro od vrata do vrata i ljudima govorio da OLPC nije dobar za njih, da je bolje da kupe Intelov laptop. Ne sprecava njih niko da to ponude javno i regularno na trzistu - recimo ti i ja( ) napisemo 2 slicna programa i ponudimo ih na trzistu, a onda ja posaljem svoje trgovacke putnike da idu do poznatih kupaca licno, fizicki, i da ih ubedjuju da tvoj ne valja i da kupe moj program - ali je Intel ovde pribegao "prljavim trikovima" kako se neko tamo izrazio.

Spominje se i sprega Intel + MS, delimicno i Asus, u nastojanju da se taj novi segment trzista ne izgubi i ja sve to razumem i ne osudjujem, ali da se firma kao Intel ponasa hajducki je bas nisko. Cesto puta je ovde spominjan primer Mac OS-a, koji je uspesan zato sto je dobar, a ne zato sto se fizicki namece kupcima.
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

Ottawa, ON

Član broj: 34944
Poruke: 471


icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta10.01.2008. u 18:48 - pre 199 meseci
Dobro, poslije salvi smijeha na račun "nesretnog" Intela koji je, na pravdi Boga, opanjkan od budi-Bog-s-nama družine koja, zamisli, linux stavlja na parče hardvera koje valja okolo, eto dotičnog prepodobnog i nadasve bogougodnog Intela u vijestima opet:
Intel faces inquiry in New York

I, da vidiš čudo, niti se spominju dobrotvorne organizacije, niti su se (J)evropske birokrate umiješale sa svojim političarenjima.

A ovo je baš gre'ota da se ovako sprečava jedna poštena & fina korporacija koja zgrće profit kako već može, što je, kako je već poznato, em bogougodno em preprodobno (i ko drugčije kaže, kleveće i laže).
Odgovor na temu

Marković Damir
(BGD/SD Karaburma)/Pirot

Član broj: 1510
Poruke: 4132

Jabber: damirm | gmail | com
ICQ: 134002435

+13 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta13.01.2008. u 19:42 - pre 199 meseci
@degojs: da cena pada na vecim serijama zbog podele fiksnih troskova na vise jedinica.
Da cena nece da padne sa 185 na 100 dolara znamo zato sto si ti tako rekao?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta13.01.2008. u 21:07 - pre 199 meseci
^Gle, ti si rekao da će cena pasti toliko zbog smanjenja startnih (fiksnih) troškova po jedinici proizvoda. Ja ti samo kažem da to nije tačno jer i promenjivi troškovi moraju da padnu (npr. troškovi nabavke komponenti, itd) da bi se cena toliko spustila.

Ja uopšte ne komentarišem da li će u budućnosti to da se desi ili ne (ne vidim zašto ne bi, cene kompjutera praktično padaju od kako se ovi proizvode).

[Ovu poruku je menjao degojs dana 14.01.2008. u 01:02 GMT+1]
Commercial-Free !!!
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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta13.01.2008. u 21:27 - pre 199 meseci

Svaka Fortune 500 kompanija u svakom momentu ima preko 150 otvorenih tuzbi u USA u proseku.

Dakle, to sto ste iskopali nesto za Intel je totalno smesno - takve stvari se desavaju ama bas svakoj vecoj kompaniji u USA, i niko se ne uzbudjuje previse oko toga.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Marković Damir
(BGD/SD Karaburma)/Pirot

Član broj: 1510
Poruke: 4132

Jabber: damirm | gmail | com
ICQ: 134002435

+13 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta14.01.2008. u 04:36 - pre 199 meseci
@degojs: cena tih komponenti takodje pada sa povecanjem serija. Uostalom, racunica o $100 za XO, i sadasnjoj ceni od 185 nije moja, vec ljudi koji su ukljuceni u sam projekat. Tako da ako ne verujes u to, zali se njima, a ne meni... Ako su lagali mene, i ja lazem vas.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta14.01.2008. u 05:14 - pre 199 meseci
^VRider, ovo postaje pomalo besmisleno: ti odgovaraš na nešto što ja nisam ni pitao ili se trudiš da objasniš nešto što ja nisam ni sporio, itd. Možda jednostavno ne razumeš šta sam ti rekao kada sam pomenuo troškove.
Commercial-Free !!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22809
Poruke: 7536

+401 Profil

icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta17.01.2008. u 16:09 - pre 199 meseci
Paul Otellini tells Intel staff about the OLPC affair

Circuit News prints Intel's POV

By Mike Magee: Tuesday, 15 January 2008, 7:37 PM

THE CEO OF Intel has put a message on his internal bog that gives his staff his point of view (POV) on the recent rupture with the One Laptop Per Child folk.

He calls on the 88,000 people that work at La Intella to get some clarity about OLPC. And he talks about Circuit News – this, by the way, is the internal Intel newspaper that loves the INQ so much it claimed it bought us. Paul Otellini's bog entry has been reproduced on the front page of Circuit News.

So here we go with Paul O's thoughts. µ

Some clarity on OLPC…

"You've no doubt seen Will Swope's article on Circuit and the media reports that followed our resignation from the One Laptop per Child organization. While I knew that this difficult decision would result in negative stories and allegations in the media, I was committed to have Intel stay on the high road. We have not made any negative comments about the program, the product, or the facts around the breakup. However, the OLPC management has made a number of very disparaging comments about Intel and has significantly misrepresented the facts. This has led to confusion in the reading population and, in many cases, to an inappropriately negative view of Intel. When one of our customers wrote to me, expressing some significant concerns, I felt compelled to respond directly. After I did this, I realized that you, our employees, may have similar concerns. So I have decided to share my thoughts in the letter with you. Here's the essence of it:

“As you might imagine, there are two sides to this story.

"Permit me to give you some background. Intel, like many corporations, has a large philanthropic effort. I believe that we are unique though in that 100% of our philanthropy goes to education efforts around the world. This has been true since the company’s founding 40 years ago. In the last 10 years alone, we have donated $1B to education. We have established computer clubhouses for kids in disadvantaged areas, we have trained (for free) over 4 million teachers wo rldwide (and will have trained 10 million by the end of 2011) on how to teach better through technology and internet-based learning. We hold two major math and science contests every year, one in the USA and one internationally. They are the premier math and science contests for high school children in the world. We spend $10M every year to fund these events and the scholarships they award. We also have an 'ultra low cost notebook' called the Classmate whose design we make available to local OEM’s to sell to school districts around the world. What is unique about this notebook is that it is part of a comprehensive approach to teaching, including a significant amount of customized software for the teachers and students.

"I give you this information to help you in the context of the OLPC saga. Some people at Intel criticized Nicholas’s project when it was first started. That was a mistake, and we have long ago apologized for that. Last summer, I contacted Nicholas and asked him a question. It was 'is your goal to get every kid a laptop, or to get every kid an OLPC laptop?' He laughed and said 'the former, of course.' With that answer, I said we would like to work together.

"Intel signed a contract with OLPC. We provided the organization with $6M of funding in 2007, and were their largest single source of funding. We were working on porting our software to the XO, and were working on an Intel-based version of the product. Last fall, Nicholas demanded that we drop our work on Classmate (this fact was reported with a quote by Nicholas in the Wall Street Journal). He felt that our work was causing less success to OLPC as a competitor. I reminded him of his answer to my question when we talked in the summer. He disregarded it and said that he had changed his mind. Intel could not and would not withdraw our support to governments and the small computer manufacturers in developing countries who were building Classmate. Nor would I bow to his pressure to grant OLPC a 'monopoly' on kids. At the time of our breakup, Intel had honored every contractual commitment we had made to the OLPC organization.

"Despite the fact that Nicholas and his team have been all over the press telling their side of the story, we have elected to take the high ground and not lower ourselves to refuting his lies. Many of the press are now seeing both sides of the story and reporting accurately. I reference you to last week's Economist article on this topic.

"I want you to know that our reputation and our integrity mean more to me than any profit motive. I hope my explanation helps you put things in context.”

"To our employees I would add: you can know that we did everything we could to make this work, and that we will continue to invest on a world-class scale to enhance education and improve lives around the world. As you read and hear more (because likely you will), I would ask you to remember the facts of the situation and help us stay on the high road inside and outside of Intel."


IZVOR: The Inquirer

Odgovor na temu

Ottawa, ON

Član broj: 34944
Poruke: 471


icon Re: Intel izlazi iz OLPC projekta17.01.2008. u 16:24 - pre 199 meseci
Ivan Dimkovic: @Apatrid,

Svaka Fortune 500 kompanija u svakom momentu ima preko 150 otvorenih tuzbi u USA u proseku.

Dakle, to sto ste iskopali nesto za Intel je totalno smesno - takve stvari se desavaju ama bas svakoj vecoj kompaniji u USA, i niko se ne uzbudjuje previse oko toga.

Sa zakašnjenjem, tek sam sad ovu poruku vidio, izvinjavam se...

Slažem se ja sa konstatacijom da su ovakve tužbe česte i mene posebno ne iznenađuje Intel-ovo ponašanje. Nijesam "iskopavao", već prezentirao maltene prvi članak o Intelu i njegovim tužbama na koji sam naletio ;). Ne čini li ti se da ima sličnosti? ;)

Da prostiš, nekako doživljavam kao perverziju da se tolika prašina na Advocacy digne kad iste takve optužbe put Intela isturi dobrotvorna organizacija, čiji je jedini grijeh što koristi linux na svom PC-u. Pa se fino opljuje.

Odgovor na temu

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